Thursday 22 September 2011

What's on Your Mind?

It is now after 8 p.m. and the meeting has moved on to the "What's on Your Mind" portion of the meeting.  Always interesting questions and discussions.  Gives reps a chance to bring items forward that are of concern to them or members of their staffs.  Questions were raised about the costs of signs for the election, when progress reports are due, vice-principals and teaching portions of their assignments, issues regarding filling out deposit forms by teachers,  supervision of JK/SK students at nutrition break - there is paid supervision available from the Board to assist in this area, concerns with students with significant behavioural issues and little support, safety issues on school buses with JK students and no supervision (going to and from school), getting all-day Kindergarten teachers together for support, collaboration, etc. (is being worked on by ETFO), teachers booking own buses, frequency of CASI data collection (including marking, etc.), supervision and safety issues.

September 22nd rep council

Hi;  I am blogging (never done this before) from the ETFO office at the September Rep Council.  Greg Weiler is talking about the TV ads for the upcoming election on October 6th.  The information he has gathered locally and from provincial office is that there was an almost even split between people who didn't like the ads and those who did.  ETFO provincial was very happy that the ads received so much attention because past ads haven't been remembered at all!!!